Three Vitamins and Minerals can Strengthen your Immune System and Fight COVID-19

Ali Adnan Asim
3 min readAug 4, 2021

As we continue to monitor COVID-19 and its new strains, now is a good time to strengthen our immune system to fight the virus.

According to Cristina Palacios, associate professor of diet and nutrition, supplements and foods rich in certain vitamins and minerals are essential.

“Those of us who are well-nourished can fight disease better than others,” said Palacios, a faculty member at the Robert Stamper School of Public Health and Social Work. “We keep getting pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria, into our body. If our immune system is functioning well, we won’t be infected.

“She added: “In general, nutrition affects our entire body. Enzymes are needed for all body processes, and many vitamins and minerals help enzymes to work better. There is a saying: “What we eat, what we eat.” This is true. If you want to be healthy, you must take in certain nutrients.”

So, how do we keep our immune systems healthy during this time?

To clarify this matter, Palacios recently held a free virtual webinar for the community. The webinar is part of an ongoing series of activities where Palacios and a group of graduate students share information with people who are trying to keep their families healthy.

Earlier this year, Palacios worked with an international team of experts to develop a guide, which was published in the official journal of the Latin American Society of Nutrition (SLAN) to help frontline workers protect their health through supplements and food. During the webinar, as the city continues to reopen, Palacios shared some of these recommendations for adults in the general population.

Here are the top three supplements’ adults should consider taking.

1. Vitamin C

This vitamin has been hailed as the source of choice for supporting the immune system for many years. Palacios said that vitamin C is essential to the health of white blood cells, a type of white blood cells that help fight infection. It is especially important during a pandemic.

She recommends that adults take 1000 mg supplements twice a day. He also recommends eating more foods rich in vitamin C. These foods include classic orange juice and oranges, as well as other citrus fruits and vegetables, such as grapefruit, strawberries, tomatoes, and blueberries.

2. Vitamin D

Most of the time, we get vitamin D from the sun, but in the meantime, Palacios says taking supplements is a good idea. He added that research has shown that low levels of vitamin D are associated with an increased risk of respiratory diseases in adults and children.

In fact, research has begun to show that people who lack vitamin D are at higher risk of infection. Caused by the COVID-19 virus. Now is the time to take action. Palacios recommends that adults take 1,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D3 supplements once or twice a day with meals. With vitamins.

For those who are deficient in vitamin D, please consult your doctor or dietitian for the exact dosage of the supplement.

Here: Buy vitamins online in Pakistan

3. Zinc

Palacios said that zinc is essential for the normal development and function of cells that mediate part of the immune system. He added that studies have shown that increasing zinc concentration can inhibit the replication of viruses such as poliovirus and SARS Coronavirus.

She recommends that adults take zinc supplements of 40 mg or less once a day.

